“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable,” is a mantra by which most marathoners live. It is fairly self-explanatory. I know few people who can claim they have felt great at mile 12, 18, 25 of a marathon, but you train your body and your mind to be comfortable being in pain. There was no indoctrination of this concept needed when I pledged the fraternity that is distance running by training for my first marathon. It was already my life hymn.
I continually find myself in uncomfortable situations. Sometimes they are accidental (sorry person on the subway who I sat on today!), but more often I make a purposeful choice to ensure my discomfort (one word ladies: Spanx). Sounds odd, doesn’t it? Who would deliberately want to make himself or herself uncomfortable? I argue that EVERYONE should on a regular basis! It is too easy to be so, well, comfortable with what we know and do that we forget the beauty that can come from breaking out of our comfort zones. Complacency, to me, is a four-letter word. Being happy with the status quo? ICK!
I have just embarked on perhaps one of my most uncomfortable adventures yet: living and going to school in New York City. The months leading up to this transition were great. I loved when people asked me about the move and my graduate program. I wore my Columbia University gear with pride. I found a great neighborhood in which to live while I was in NYC. But that was all still very comfortable, as my life really had not changed all that much. Now I have made the move and have been here for a few days, and I have to say, I am feeling uncomfortable. My family is no longer five minutes away. I have to figure out/begin new daily routines. I have to ask directions a lot because I often do not know where I am (hard for me to do; I don’t want to look weak!). I have taken the wrong subway more than a few times. I have had to eat meals by myself and try not to feel like a loser amongst all of the dining couples and groups. Um, not very Sex in the City. Not going to lie, a few tears have been shed, but I am embracing the “pain” and have learned a lot in the past few days.
When people asked me why I was doing this my answer was: I am too comfortable in my job and my routine. Many said that I should take comfort in the comfortable because it means I have made it and now the going will be easy. I just get itchy at the thought of easy. A lot of people also told me I was brave for applying to school and making a move to the big, scary city away from my comfort zones. Funny thing is, when I left my previous career to become a teacher, a lot of my former colleagues used the same word to describe my choice to make a change. I find the use of this word so odd. How is what I am doing (and what I did nine years ago) BRAVE? But then I wonder how many people are so embedded in their comfort zones that they don’t see the opportunities the world offers. Or maybe they have thought about making a break from their comfort zones and simply do not because they are not courageous enough.
I am not suggesting that everyone move to a new city, but everyone should consider and/or find the courage to make himself or herself uncomfortable in some way. Try a food you normally would not. Style your hair differently. Take a new route to work. Go to dinner by yourself. It might surprise you how much it affects your day, your outlook, your mood. Embrace the uncomfortable, because it is often where the magic happens!